Roleplay Art Online

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Content Warning: Since this is an online game that will feature a chat system, image uploads and other user generated content we will do our best to moderate. But we can't guarantee what you might see. However; we will be setting up a rating and tagging system to help prevent you from seeing things you don't want to see. Recommended Age: 21+


Roleplay Art Online (RPAO) is currently in a very early development stage. As such, the game is unfinished and may does contain bugs, incomplete features, and placeholder assets. We are actively working on improving and expanding the game, and we greatly appreciate your understanding and support during this phase.

By participating in the early access of RPAO, you are joining us on this exciting journey and helping shape the future of the game. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in guiding our development efforts. Please bear with us as we work towards creating a polished and fully-featured experience.

Thank you for your patience and support!

About the Game: 

Roleplay Art Online (RPAO) is a unique blend of social multiplayer roleplaying and visual novel storytelling. Designed for creative minds and passionate storytellers, RPAO provides a platform where players can create and share their art, design intricate characters, and craft compelling narratives. Dive into a world where your imagination sets the limits and collaborate with others to bring your stories to life.

Current Features:

  • Rudimentary paper doll system

Future Features:

  • Turn Based RPG combat
    • Similar to a JRPG or Darkest Dungeon
  • Artist Portal for contributing to the game
    • Art Commission framework
    • Artist Profile
  • Art Rating system
    • Every art piece can be rated or tagged for:
      • Maturity Level
      • Art Style
      • Immersion
      • etc...
  • Player-NPC Dialog 
    • You will have the option to build the dialog for your character. While you are offline other players can chat with your Player-NPC. 
  • Player-NPC relationship system
    • Allow other players to gain affinity with your character while you're offline.
  • In Character Chat system
    • a Normal chat system where you are expected to Roleplay as your character
  • Party System
    • Party up with your friends while they are offline or online and delve into a dungeon.
  • Quest System
    • Allow for players yo create quests for other players.
  • Story Campaign Narrative System
    • Quests aren't enough to tell your story. Create a story inside our world similar to a Visual Novel. 
  • There are many more ideas including porting the game to consoles, making it available on steam, creating a card game, etc etc etc.

Developer Story: 

My path toward game development started with LORD, Legend of the Red Dragon an online multi player BBS game. I've loved games that allowed groups of creative players to come together and form a server or a group dedicated to roleplaying in games like Neverwinter Nights to Conan Exiles.  RPAO is a passion project born from a lifelong dream of creating a game that celebrates art, storytelling and chiefly Roleplaying.

Why Support Me: 

As a solo developer, I’m committed to bringing Roleplay Art Online to life with the support of our community. By joining us on this journey, you’re not only helping to fund the development but also becoming a part of our creative community. Your feedback and support are invaluable in shaping the future of RPAO.

Join the Community: 

Be a part of the RPAO community! Connect with other players, share your creations, and participate in the game's evolution. Follow us on social media, join our Discord server, and consider supporting us on Patreon for exclusive benefits and early access to new features.

Contact and Support: 

For any questions, feedback, or support, feel free to reach out via Discord. We’re here to help and always eager to hear from our community.

Thank You: 

Thank you for checking out Roleplay Art Online. We can’t wait to see what amazing stories and art you’ll bring to our world!

Development log